there's no one in the world like Emily.
jag har en fantastisk vän.
jag kallar henne för min syster.
hon är min vän, bästa vän, soulmate, min syster.
alltid, ALLTID, har hon funnits för mig.
är så jävla tacksam att jag har dig, tack.
du förgyller mitt meningslösa liv.
jag har en låt jag alltid lyssnar på när jag saknar min syster.
Emily - From first to last.
känns alltid lite bättre i hjärtat efter den låten och jag får skrika ur mig lite.
Smiles and her laughter
its the only thing that I've been waiting for a time
regardless of our distance and our hope...grows greater
trapped by pretty eyes and letters for all time
...the only thing that I've been waiting for.
I hope its something worth the waiting
cause its the only thought that I ever feel real
thunder storms could never stop me
cause there's no one in the world like Emily
she's simple yet confusing
her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble
days seem like years in this month of December
the winter coldens me for I have yet to sleep
and never will I give up trying cause you're everything to me
I hope its something worth the waiting
its the only thought that I ever feel real
thunder storms could never stop me
cause there's no one in the world like emily
there's no one in the world like Emily.
its the only thing that I've been waiting for a time
regardless of our distance and our hope...grows greater
trapped by pretty eyes and letters for all time
...the only thing that I've been waiting for.
I hope its something worth the waiting
cause its the only thought that I ever feel real
thunder storms could never stop me
cause there's no one in the world like Emily
she's simple yet confusing
her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble
days seem like years in this month of December
the winter coldens me for I have yet to sleep
and never will I give up trying cause you're everything to me
I hope its something worth the waiting
its the only thought that I ever feel real
thunder storms could never stop me
cause there's no one in the world like emily
there's no one in the world like Emily.
Postat av: Emily
Jag älskar dig och kommer alltid finnas, dag som natt året runt! "Oavsett vad som händer kommer jag aldrig lämna dig förrän vi sitter där på ålderdomshemmet" <3